Switching from sugary drinks to water or unsweetened tea is easy to reduce your calorie intake without sacrificing flavor.

There might be other reasons like gas trouble, Reflux or constipation, loss of appetite due to illness, your baby might not be hungry yet, etc. There might also be some feeding aversions, so you should remain careful about your infant.

If your baby has been crying and showing discomfort while feeding for more than 24 hours and you are still unsure what is wrong with them, then it is best to call your doctor immediately, as they may need some medical attention.

Here are some cues to look out for if your baby cries and refuses the bottle

your baby cries and refuses the bottle

1. Baby turns away from the bottle

2. Baby coughs during feeding

3. Baby is sucking too slow or not at all

4. Baby kicking legs when bottle feeding

5. Baby takes up little milk but not more

6. Baby vomits milk

7. Baby shows other signs of discomfort during the bottle feeding sessions

Why is the baby refusing the bottle?

There can be many reasons why your baby is refusing the bottle, such as:

Your Baby Has Gas pain

Some babies get gas bubbles in their tummies after eating and cry when those bubbles escape from their mouths. If your baby is over 4 months old, try burping him after each ounce of formula. If he's younger than 4 months old, burp him every 2 ounces (60 ml). If this doesn't help, talk to your doctor about whether giving him a small dose of infant gas drops before feeding might be helpful.

Reflux or constipation

If your baby has reflux — also called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) — she may cry when swallowing because of pain caused by stomach acid coming up into her esophagus (the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach). Reflux often comes with spitting up, but not always — some babies don't spit up at all but still have reflux symptoms. Your doctor may recommend treating your baby's reflux with medicines or surgery.

Your baby is not hungry

Your baby is crying and squealing and seemingly showing hunger cues? It is likely that your baby is showing signs of hunger even if he or she is not hungry.

The usual crying and squealing isn't always related to a baby's hunger. They might be bored, exhausted, or in need of sleep. Other reasons might include wet diapers and illness.

And even if it comes across that they might be hungry because they may take a bottle for some time but eventually refuse it after some time showing that hunger wasn't the issue, to begin with.

Your baby is overtired

You probably have heard the term overtired if you are a mum or dad of a baby for any duration of time. This term implies that your baby is so exhausted that he may behave differently than usual.

The baby might be sucking slowly on the feeder while bottle feeding or even falling asleep. The baby may also become more squirmy and hyperactive than usual during the night feeding period.

These behaviors might be due to over-tiredness and lack of sleep, which should encourage you to look for ways to increase your baby's sleeping time and quality.

You are overfeeding the baby

It's true that you may be overfeeding the baby but it's not your fault. Sometimes health care professionals may recommend a certain quantity of milk to be given daily to the baby that is more than the baby needs. Look for cues mentioned in this article above to stop feeding the baby if he displays similar behavior.

Furthermore, pressuring the baby more would make him uncomfortable, and he may start associating negative and uncomfortable emotions with the feeding experience, adding more to the present problem.

Your baby doesn't feel comfortable

Sometimes it's the little things that make a difference. Is his diaper not too tight? Is he/she

held in a way that is comfortable for him/her? Have you switched to a new formula milk and your baby doesn't like the taste?

These things may be minor but, combined with others, can significantly impact how your baby feeds.

If nothing seems to work, try to point out other causes for baby fussing during bottle feeding.

You are giving more feed during the night

Do you wake up during the night a few times to feed the baby? This might also be why he did not bottle feed during the day. If you can, try to limit baby feed at night whenever possible.

This doesn't mean that you should stop feeding at night altogether, but this means reducing the amount of feed at night to check if the baby feeds well or more during the day.

Bottle's nipple is too slow or too fast

Nipples attached to bottle feeders come in different flow speeds. For young babies, a slow flow is adequate, whereas for older babies, a fast flow may be the relevant option.

A nipple too fast or too slow according to the baby's needs can have unwanted effects on your baby's ability to have a satisfied feed. Therefore, you may want to speak to your pediatrician about the right flow for your baby.

Your baby is teething

When your baby is around 3-4 months old, it is reasonable that your baby might be experiencing some pain because of  growing baby teeth. This pain might be uncomfortable for a lot of babies, which can cause them to change their feeding habits for a temporary period.

Fortunately, you can purchase many teething toys for your baby during this uncomfortable experience for him/her. They can be wonderfully useful to have on hand when your little one is not feeding to help your little one's sore gums.


Q1) What's the best way to choose a formula?

Your baby's pediatrician may suggest a formula or give it to you at the hospital, which is the best way.

Q2) How much should I feed my baby at every bottle feed?

Formula-fed babies usually take 2-3 ounces every 3-4 hours in the first 2 months, 6 ounces by the fourth month, and up to 6 to 8 ounces when they are 6-8 months old.


As discussed above, there are many possibilities as to why your baby is crying and squirming whilst bottle feeding. However, if your baby doesn't stop crying after additional burping or dietary changes, then make an appointment with your baby's pediatrician. Okay?

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