It's an opportunity to introduce your little one to the world beyond the walls of your home, providing fresh air, sensory stimulation, and the gentle sway of the stroller's movement.

From understanding the developmental stages of your newborn to choosing the right stroller, weather considerations, and practical tips for a successful outing, we'll cover it all, empowering you to embark on this adventure with confidence and peace of mind.

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When you are taking your baby outside

When Can You Take Newborn Outside In Stroller?

Newborn's Age and Development

Newborns go through rapid developmental changes during their early months. Understanding these stages is crucial when considering taking them outside in a stroller.

Birth to 1 Month: The Early Stage

Your newborn is in a delicate development phase during the first month of life. Their neck muscles are still weak, and they have limited head control. It's important to remember your baby's fragility at this stage. Pediatricians often recommend limiting outdoor exposure during the initial weeks to protect your baby from potential health risks, such as infections.

Following your doctor's advice and prioritizing your baby's safety is essential.

Planning a trip to Disney with your little ones? Check out our guide on the 'Best Double Stroller for Disney' for a hassle-free and comfortable family adventure.

1 to 3 Months: Growing and Developing

1 to 3 Months Growing and Developing

Newborns start showing increased strength and development between one and three months. They may briefly lift their heads during tummy time, and exhibit improved neck control. Their immune system is also strengthening. Pediatricians often consider this stage safer for outdoor adventures in a stroller.

However, it's still crucial to be cautious and provide proper support for your baby's head and neck, as they are not fully developed yet.

Weather and Seasonal Considerations

Weather and Seasonal Considerations

Once you've assessed your newborn's age and developmental stage, you should focus on the weather and seasonal conditions, as they play a significant role in ensuring your baby's comfort and safety during outdoor stroller outings.


  1. Dressing Appropriately: In the summertime, it's essential to dress your newborn appropriately. Choose lightweight, breathable clothing to help regulate their body temperature. Opt for a wide-brimmed hat to shield their delicate face from the sun.
  2. Shade and Sunscreen: Avoid exposing your baby to direct sunlight, especially during peak hours when the sun is the strongest. Use strollers with built-in sunshades or attach a stroller canopy to provide shade.

If your baby's skin is exposed, consult your pediatrician about using baby-safe sunscreen. Note that sunscreen use is typically not recommended for infants under six months, so seek alternative sun protection methods.

Looking for the perfect stroller for your older child? Check out our article on the 'Best Lightweight Stroller for 5-Year-Olds' to ensure a comfortable and convenient ride for your little one.


  • Layering Clothing: Layer your baby's clothing in colder weather to keep them warm without overheating. Use blankets or bunting bags to add an extra layer of insulation. Ensure your baby's extremities (hands, feet, and head) are well-covered and warm.
  • Protecting from Cold Winds: Protect your baby from cold winds using a windproof stroller cover or a weather shield. Make sure the stroller's interior remains warm and cozy during the outing.

Regardless of the season, always check the weather forecast before heading out and plan accordingly. It's crucial to strike a balance between keeping your baby comfortable and safe from extreme weather conditions. 

Considering these weather and seasonal considerations, you can ensure that your outdoor stroller adventures are enjoyable and worry-free for you and your newborn.

Time of Day Matters

The time of day when you take your newborn outside in a stroller can significantly impact their comfort, well-being, and overall experience. Consider these factors:

Avoiding Peak Sunlight Hours

Newborns have delicate, sensitive skin that's susceptible to sunburn and overheating. It's advisable to avoid taking your baby out during the hottest and sunniest part of the day, typically between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. If you must go out during these hours, make sure your baby is well-protected from the sun with appropriate clothing, a wide-brimmed hat, and shade provided by the stroller's canopy or an additional sunshade accessory.

Considering Your Baby's Sleep Schedule

Newborns spend a significant portion of their early days sleeping. To ensure your baby gets the rest they need, it's wise to schedule outdoor strolls when they are awake and alert but not too close to their naptime or bedtime. A relaxed, well-rested baby is more likely to enjoy the outing and less likely to become fussy during the trip.

Signs Your Newborn Is Ready for Outdoor Strolls

Determining when your newborn is ready for outdoor strolls is crucial for their safety and comfort. Look for these signs to ensure that your baby is prepared for stroller outings:

Contentment and Alertness

One of the key indicators that your baby is ready for outdoor strolls is their overall mood. If your baby appears content and alert while awake, it's a positive sign. Contentment is often reflected in a calm and peaceful demeanor, with minimal fussiness or crying. An alert baby is curious about their surroundings and shows interest in their environment.

Responsiveness to the Environment

Watch for your baby's reaction to new stimuli in their environment. If they seem engaged and interested in the sights, sounds, and gentle movements of the stroller, it's a sign that they are ready to explore the world outside. Babies who react positively to outdoor sensory experiences, such as the feel of the breeze or the sight of trees and sky, are likely to enjoy stroller outings.

Maintaining Proper Body Temperature

Newborns are sensitive to temperature changes. Ensure your baby is dressed appropriately for the weather, whether hot or cold, and monitor their body temperature during the outing. If your baby remains comfortable and doesn't show signs of overheating or becoming too cold, it's an indication that they are handling the outdoor environment well.

Looking for versatile stroller options? Check out our guide on the 'Best Strollers With Standing Boards' to explore strollers that accommodate older siblings or standing passengers.


Taking your newborn outdoors in a stroller is a beautiful journey filled with shared moments and exploration. Prioritizing your baby's safety and comfort is paramount. By understanding their development, considering the weather, choosing the right stroller, timing your outings thoughtfully, and staying attuned to your baby's needs, you can ensure these experiences are safe and enjoyable. These outings offer precious opportunities for bonding and discovery, setting the stage for a lifetime of adventures together. Cherish each step, smile, and newfound wonder as you introduce your baby to the world around them.

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